bean-to-cup coffee

bean-to-cup coffee

Tasting Coffee

Tasting coffee

When you are roasting your beans or even just blending your beans from the different types of coffee, knowing how to taste the coffee will help you get the best from each cup.

Remember, when blending your coffee to taste, keep a record of the ratios of the different beans and machine settings. This allows you to repeat the blend should it be what you want. You never know; your unique blend may become very popular among friends, and you must blend more to the correct ratio.

Tasting Guide

We have made a coffee-tasting guide that you can use to help you find the best coffee blend or roasting times that you enjoy the most.

Tasting coffee can be a complex and enjoyable process that fully allows you to appreciate different coffee beansโ€™ unique flavours and aromas. Here are some steps you can follow to taste coffee like a pro:

  1. Start with a clean palate: Rinse your mouth with water before tasting coffee to clear your palate of any lingering flavours.
  2. Grind the beans: Use a burr grinder to evenly grind the beans to the appropriate size for your brewing method.
  3. Brew the coffee: Use the bean-to-cup machine to produce espresso. Note the machine settings for temperature, grind and water.
  4. Observe the appearance: Look at the colour and clarity of the coffee. A lighter colour may indicate a lighter roast, while a darker one may indicate a darker one.
  5. Smell the coffee: Deeply sniff the coffee to understand its aroma. Pay attention to any fruity, floral, or nutty notes.
  6. Take a small sip: Swirl the coffee around your mouth to thoroughly coat your tongue and taste buds. Pay attention to the sweetness, acidity, and bitterness of the coffee.
  7. Spit or swallow: If you are tasting multiple coffees, it is best to spit out the coffee after tasting to avoid overwhelming your palate. If you only taste one coffee, you can choose to swallow it.
  8. Record your impressions: Write down your thoughts on the coffeeโ€™s flavour profile, including any specific tasting notes you noticed.

By following these steps, you can fully appreciate the subtle nuances of different coffee beans and better understand what you like and dislike in your coffee. You can then use this information to alter the roasting, grinding or blending to make the next coffee more to your tastes.

Happy tasting!






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