bean-to-cup coffee

bean-to-cup coffee

Different types of coffee beans

coffee beans

A bean-to-cup machine will grind your beans on demand, so you always get the freshest grind for your cup of coffee.

You may only buy 100% Arabica beans for your machine, but there are others. The beans available are often blended with Arabica to get a flavour that most people like. Nothing stops you from mixing your blend of different beans to get exactly the coffee you want or just something different for an event.

Coffee Beans

There are two main types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. These two types of beans are used to make most of the worldโ€™s coffee, and they have distinct differences in taste, appearance, and growing conditions.


Arabica beans are considered higher quality and are generally more expensive than Robusta beans. They are grown at higher altitudes, typically between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. Arabica beans are oval and have a smooth, delicate flavour with notes of sugar, fruit, and berries. They are also less acidic and have lower caffeine than Robusta beans.


Robusta beans, on the other hand, are grown at lower altitudes, typically between sea level and 800 meters. These coffee beans are rounder and more complex than Arabica beans and have a more pungent, bitter taste with notes of nuts and chocolate. They are also higher in caffeine and have a higher acidity level than Arabica beans.

Other Beans

Several other types of coffee beans are less commonly used but still worth mentioning. These include:


Liberica beans are grown in West Africa and have a unique flavour profile with fruit and wood notes.


Excelsa beans are also grown in West Africa and have a flavour profile similar to Liberica beans but with a more acidic and fruity taste.


Bourbon beans are a type of Arabica bean named after the island of Bourbon (now called Rรฉunion), where it was first cultivated. Bourbon beans have a sweet, nutty flavour with notes of chocolate and caramel.


Typica beans are Arabica beans grown in Central and South America and have a sweet, fruity flavour with notes of nuts and chocolate.


Caturra beans are also a type of Arabica bean that is grown in Central and South America. They have a sweet, floral flavour with notes of citrus and berries.


In addition to these main types of coffee beans, there are also many different sub-varieties within each type. For example, there are wide varieties of Arabica beans, such as Blue Mountain, Kona, and Geisha, each with unique flavour profiles.


Overall, the type of coffee bean chosen will depend on your personal preference and the flavours you like. Some people prefer Arabica beansโ€™ smooth, delicate flavour, while others prefer Robusta beansโ€™ bold, robust flavour. Experimenting with different types and varieties of beans can be a fun way to discover new flavours and find the perfect coffee.





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