bean-to-cup coffee

bean-to-cup coffee

Tassimo red light – no coffee

Tassimo machine red light, no coffee

The Bosch Tassimo pod machines are very convenient, quick, and usually error-free. But today, one of the Tassimo machines gave a red light and refused to dispense any coffee.

Adding a fresh pod to the head of the machine, closing the lid down, and pressing the button on the Tassimo machine would yield a hot cup of coffee. But the machine’s eerie silence and lack of liquid indicated a problem.

Red Light

The only indication that the machine knew something was wrong was the red light on the button illuminating. This like is usually amber when coffee is flowing freely. But red it was, and no coffee came.

The Solution

The solution to the Tassimo red light was quite simple. Cleaning the window in the head of the machine allowed the machine to function again. All it took was a wipe to clear away the errant coffee grinds that had partially obscured the window.

clean this to fix the Tassimo red light  arrowed

Lifting or pulling out the pod ring is easier to access the window. The pod ring only clips in place and is easily removed and refitted.

pod ring removed for easier access, window arrowed

About the red light fault

There is a window in the head of the Tassimo that looks at the pod and tunes the quantity and temperature of the water for the type of pod that has been detected. The different drinks need a specific water, steam, and temperature program to get the perfect drink every time.

The Tassimo pods have a small barcode printed on the foil, carrying all the information the machine needs to make that drink. The machine read the barcode on the pod through a little window in the head of the machine. If the window is obscured or the barcode is damaged, the information about the drink can not be passed to the Tassimo to make.

This is when the reading light illuminates—an inability to decipher the barcode information to make the drink. The problem is often just coffee grinds over the window, but if the barcode is missing or obscured by a label, you can get the same red light.

Clearing the obstruction and re-seating the pod will allow the pod to be read, and your drink will be made.





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