bean-to-cup coffee

bean-to-cup coffee

Category: Maintenance

  • Tassimo red light – no coffee

    Tassimo red light – no coffee

    The Bosch Tassimo pod machines are very convenient, quick, and usually error-free. But today, one of the Tassimo machines gave a red light and refused to dispense any coffee. Adding a fresh pod to the head of the machine, closing the lid down, and pressing the button on the Tassimo machine would yield a hot…

  • Coffee Machine Error Codes

    Coffee Machine Error Codes

    All the bean-to-cup coffee machines can display error codes. Some more often than others, some more useful than others. Usually an coffee machine error code is just that, a code. Meaningless letter and numbers that need decoding. Without decoding the error code you won’t know what is wrong and therefore what to change/top-up/clean/replace or fix.…

  • Cleaning your bean-to-cup coffee machine

    Cleaning your bean-to-cup coffee machine

    Regular cleaning of the internal circuits of the bean-to-cup coffee machine is essential to keep it running smoothly. A clean machine also makes better-tasting coffee. Build up The internal parts of the bean-to-cup machines that come into contact with the coffee build up a layer of coffee oils. These oils and tiny particles of coffee…

  • Descale a Bean to Cup machine.

    Descale a Bean to Cup machine.

    Limescale build-up on the coffee machine heating element can make the device inefficient and potentially fail to heat the water. Hard Water Hard water causes scale build-up on heating elements. You already know if you are in a hard water area, and just look in your kettle for a build-up of a hard white scale…

  • Machine Maintenance

    Machine Maintenance

    The Bean-to-cup coffee machines take more maintenance than a Cafetiere or drip coffee machine, and it requires even more maintenance than a pod machine, but you get freshly ground coffee. Upkeep In terms of maintenance, bean-to-cup coffee machines will require regular upkeep to ensure they work correctly. This may include cleaning the water tank, descaling…