bean-to-cup coffee

bean-to-cup coffee

Ten interesting facts about Sugar

woman with a cup of sweet coffee

Adding a spoonful of sugar to a cup of coffee is a popular choice, and having your daily cup just that little bit sweeter can lift your mood and change the taste. We have discovered ten interesting facts about sugar for you and have them listed for you.

  1. Sugar is a carbohydrate found naturally in many different types of food, including fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  2. On average, an American consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar daily, significantly higher than the recommended daily intake of 6 teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men.
  3. Sugar is addictive, and studies have shown that it can activate the same pleasure centres in the brain as drugs like cocaine and heroin.
  4. Brown sugar is not healthier than white sugar, as both types of sugar are made from the same plant and contain the same amount of calories.
  5. Sugar is often added to processed foods as a preservative but can enhance flavour and texture.
  6. Sugar consumption is linked to various health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.
  7. Sugar can be extracted from many plants, but sugarcane and sugar beets are the most commonly used sources.
  8. Sugar has been used as a form of currency and was even used to help finance the construction of some of the worldโ€™s most famous landmarks, such as the Taj Mahal in India.
  9. The production of sugar is one of the most resource-intensive industries in the world, requiring large amounts of water, energy, and land.
  10. There are many different types of sugar, including granulated sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar, and molasses, each with a unique taste and texture.

If Artificial Sweeteners are your thing, there is a post for you too.






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