bean-to-cup coffee

bean-to-cup coffee

Add Milk or Cream to Coffee

cream or milk added to a cup of coffee

Ah, the eternal coffee debate: should you add milk or cream to your beloved cup of joe? Itโ€™s a question that has divided coffee enthusiasts for years, and the answer seems to vary depending on who you ask. Some people swear by adding a splash of milk to their coffee, while others insist that cream is the only way to go. Letโ€™s look at both sides of the argument and see if we can settle this once and for all (or at least until the next coffee debate arises).


On one side of the argument, we have milk enthusiasts. These coffee drinkers believe that adding milk to their coffee is the perfect way to balance out the bitterness of the coffee and create a smoother, creamier taste. Milk also adds a touch of sweetness, which can help enhance the coffeeโ€™s flavour. For some, adding milk to their coffee is a comfort โ€“ it reminds them of their childhood and the warm, comforting feeling of drinking a glass of milk before bed.

Milk can come in many forms, including whole, skim, almond, soy, and more. Each type of milk has its unique taste and texture, which can impact the overall flavour of the coffee. Whole milk, for example, is creamier and richer than skim milk, which can create a more indulgent coffee experience. Almond milk is a popular option for lactose intolerant or following a vegan diet, as it has a similar taste and texture to cowโ€™s milk.


On the other side of the argument, we have the cream enthusiasts. These coffee drinkers believe that cream is the only way to elevate the coffeeโ€™s flavour truly. The cream is thicker and richer than milk, which can create a luxurious mouthfeel that is unmatched by any other dairy product. The cream also has a higher fat content than milk, which can help to mellow out the bitterness of the coffee and create a smoother, more enjoyable taste.

Like milk, there are many different types of cream to choose from, including heavy, light, and half-and-half. Heavy cream is the thickest and richest option, with a fat content of around 36%. Light cream has a lower fat content of around 20%, which can create a slightly lighter and less indulgent coffee experience. Half-and-half combines equal parts cream and milk, which can create a more balanced flavour profile.


One thing to remember is that both milk and cream can impact the overall flavour of the coffee. Adding too much milk or cream can overpower the coffeeโ€™s flavour and create a bland, uninteresting drink. On the other hand, adding too little milk or cream can result in a bitter, harsh coffee experience that is difficult to enjoy.


Another factor to consider is the temperature of the milk or cream. Some people prefer to add cold milk or cream to their coffee, while others prefer to heat it first. Heating the milk or cream can create a creamier texture and a more indulgent experience, but it can also result in a higher calorie count. Cold milk or cream, on the other hand, can create a refreshing, lighter coffee experience.

Personal preference

So, which side of the argument is right?

Well, that ultimately depends on your personal preferences. Milk may be the way to go if you prefer a lighter, creamier coffee experience, and the cream may be the better choice if you want to indulge in a rich, luxurious coffee experience. Of course, there are many other factors to consider, including dietary restrictions, personal taste, and the type of coffee used.

Both options can create a delicious and enjoyable coffee experience. Try experimenting with different types of milk and cream to find the perfect balance of sweetness, creaminess, and indulgence that suits your tasteโ€ฆ You may prefer milk in your regular coffee but cream in your special weekend latte or cappuccino.


Another thing to remember is the quality of the milk or cream youโ€™re using. Opt for organic or locally-sourced milk and cream to ensure the highest quality and freshest taste. The type of milk or cream can also impact the overall taste of the coffee. For example, some people prefer the nutty flavour of almond milk in their coffee, while others prefer the creaminess of whole milk.


Itโ€™s also important to consider the nutritional value of the milk or cream you add to your coffee. Milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, but it can also be high in calories and fat. Conversely, the cream is higher in fat and calories but also contains vitamins A and D. If youโ€™re trying to cut back on calories or fat, you may want to consider skim milk or a non-dairy milk alternative like skim almond milk.


Ultimately, the debate over adding milk or cream to coffee is about personal preference. Some people love the creamy richness of the cream, while others prefer the lighter taste of milk. Ultimately, it comes down to what you like best.

One thing is certain whether you choose milk or cream โ€“ a good cup of coffee is a true pleasure that should be savoured and enjoyed to the fullest.






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